Spring High Water Safety, Apr 29, 2019

Spring is here and with the warmer temperatures comes the desire to get outdoors. With this desire comes a danger, a danger that displays Mother Nature’s true force… spring runoff.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to please take extra precautions during the spring runoff time by following these guidelines:
- Pay attention to the National Weather Service Flood Watches and Warnings. A link to our local Pocatello office’s website is https://www.weather.gov/pih/.
- Never try to walk, swim, drive or play in floodwater due to the uncertainty of the depth and the flow. Moving water minimizes the ability to see damaged or washed away roadbeds, holes or submerged debris.
- Do not camp or park your vehicle along streams and washes.
- Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers. Local creek depths typically peak between midnight and 5:00 am.
- Children should NEVER play in or around high water. As little as six inches of water can knock you off your feet resulting in injury or death.
- When recreating on or near swift moving water be extra careful.
- Learn CPR & Basic First Aid – In an event of a worst case scenario that one of your loved ones becomes a victim while enjoying the outdoors, learning these two useful skills could be the difference between life and death.
- Watch your dogs. Your family pet is just as likely to fall victim to swift currents and cold water.