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 Nate Brown 

Position: Driver/Operator
A firefighter in uniform in front of a fire truck.

Years of Service: Since 2012;
Hometown and Years in Teton Valley: Cattaraugus, NY; Lived in Teton Valley since 2008

Personal Details (family and hobbies): I have an amazing wife and an incredible son. We enjoy living in this valley for the outdoor lifestyle that it offers. As a family, we enjoy hiking, fishing, skiing, and surfing (while in warmer climates.) Basically, we enjoy anything that gets us outside.

Why did you want to become a firefighter?: I can remember as a child the fire department coming to our school and dressing up in their bunker gear, and taking us out to see the engine. I was in awe and knew that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well after growing up, I’m finally able to fulfill my childhood dream. To be in a position to help people in need, and provide a service to my community is something that I’m proud to do.

Training Highlights: 

International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
Firefighter I
Firefighter II
100 Ton Merchant Marine Capt. License W/ Sail Endorsement
PADI Certified Rescue Dive