Earle G Giles III

Years of Service: 11
Hometown and Years in Teton Valley: Beverly, MA; Teton Valley, WY since 92; Teton Valley, ID since 2002
Personal Details (family and hobbies): I am married with one daughter. My wife has been employed as an insurance agent in Jackson for over 20 years. My daughter is graduating with her doctorate in physical therapy in the spring of 2013. I like to take motorized recreational vehicles apart to see how they run and I like the challenge of reassembling them.
Why did you want to become a firefighter?: In 2002, I was approached by the Battalion Chief of the Victor station to see if I had any interest in becoming a volunteer firefighter. At that time, the district was a non-paid fire service, and I wanted to do all I could to help the public and to see what the “brotherhood” was about. The Battalion Chief was a former Beverly Mass Fire LT with more than 27 years of service before he retired and was a very interesting man with a lot of knowledge. Fire service runs in my family; and as a youngster, I frequented the fire stations to visit my father—the Battalion Chief of the Victor station. I am proud of all that my Dad accomplished and hope that, as my career progresses, I can follow in his footsteps as a dedicated public servant with many years of service and knowledge.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Incident Command System (ICS) 100, 200, 300, 400, 700
ICS/EOC Interface
Professional Qualifications – State of Idaho
State Of Idaho Fire Code Official
FF 1
Rapid Intervention Team
EST evaluator
Hazmat Awareness / Operations
Extrication Awareness/ Operations
Idaho State E.M.T.
National Registry E.M.T.
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Wild Land Firefighter S-130
Wildland Firefighter S-190
Wildland Firefighter S-215
Fire Arson Investigation
Brannigans Building Construction
Arson Investigation Scene Search and Evidence Collection
Arson Investigation Residential Building Construction
Arson Investigation Automobile Fires
Arson Investigation Fire Scene Safety
Professional Affiliations
Idaho Fire Chiefs Association
International Fire Marshals Association
Unit Commendation Award, Fire Suppression – 2011
Unit Commendation Award, Victor Station Remodel for full-time service – 2010
Former S.A.R. Member, since 1993
Tin Cup
Music On Main