Corey Rafeld

Years of Service: Since 2012;
Hometown and Years in Teton Valley: Bethesda, Maryland; I have been living in Teton Valley since May of 2005
Personal Details (family and hobbies): I moved to the valley immediately following graduation from college in 2005. I was only supposed to be out here for the summer, but like many people who move out here, I have not left. I fell in love with the mountains, the valley, the beauty, and the healthy outdoorsy lifestyle that people embrace out here. I enjoy all that the outdoors has to offer me, including running, mountain biking, road biking, gardening, hiking, downhill skiing, and skate skiing.
Why did you want to become a firefighter?: I had been living in the valley for a few years now and the only thing that constantly bothered me was the lack of job opportunity and growth opportunities. I was convinced by friends to take the Outdoor Emergency Care course in order to become a ski patroller at Grand Targhee Resort. After doing so, I realized I enjoyed this field of work and looked into further educational opportunities. I went to the fire department to enroll in an EMT course they were offering and was persuaded to take the Firefighter 1 course following the EMT course. As I continued in my classes, I became more fascinated with both the medical and fire sides of the fire department. The thought of being able to have a job that challenged me both physically and mentally was just what I was looking for. Being able to help people during a time of need and being able to be the calmness when things are chaotic was also exciting. I love the idea of going to work every day and not knowing what challenges you are going to be presented with. The opportunity to continue to learn and push myself keeps me motivated and excited to go to work every day.
EMT Basic – 2010
Firefighter 1 – 2011
Firefighter 2 – 2011
Hazmat Operations Level – 2011
Wildland Firefighting – 2011
Extrication Awareness – 2011
Incident Command System 100 – 2011
Incident Command System 200 – 2011
Incident Command System 700 – 2011